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Athletics and the arts are what make for an enjoyable and holistic learning experience at school.  By ensuring greater inclusiveness and wider participation across the student community, we can enhance the fun and the learning for all. Greater and more equitable allocation of resources for schools across Montgomery County, will result not just in better athletes and artists, but also happier and more accomplished citizens.


  • Addressing gaps and inequities in funding, recruitment, and resources for athletic teams in middle and high schools around the county through wider collaboration and discourse. 

  • Facilitating free county-wide practices and training, prior to tryouts, to ensure all students are able to adequately prepare and have equal opportunity to participate in athletics. This can take place both in the virtual format, and in-person when it is deemed safe. 

  • Inviting diverse “role-model” guest speakers to team practices to teach master classes, communicate and connect with students. This could include “welfare check-ins” to increase awareness, knowledge, and communication skills in athletic teams. 

  • Adopting a proactive approach to address implicit biases and racism through targeted training against prejudice and bigotry for coaches. 



  • Ensuring that all students who wish to learn how to play an instrument have the opportunity beginning in the 4th grade through a more communal and streamlined system to loan out instruments to students. 

    Finding creative and inclusive ways to highlight the importance of arts during virtual and in-person learning when the latter is deemed safe. This could also include guest participation in activities with artists across the autism spectrum. 

  • Creating space for informal virtual interface and fun arts-based activities to make up for the absence of physical social interactions due to remote learning for middle schoolers. 

  • Implementing a county-wide vocal and instrumental mentorship program to foster bonds between middle and high school students, especially as we are currently in a virtual format. 

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