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Education is the time-tested gateway to upward mobility and global competitiveness. In this new decade, let us pledge to build an education that is flexible enough to meet the schedule and aspirations of a diverse student body. Let our curriculum tell stories and pick champions that represent this microcosm of the world.

Addressing Racial and Socioeconomic Inequities

  • Strengthening the MCPS Antiracist System Audit to institutionalize zero tolerance for racist behavior in the school system.  

  • Working towards ensuring that Montgomery County’s teaching staff is reflective of the diverse student community, thus fostering a greater sense of empathy. 

  • Reforming the reporting system for incidents of discrimination to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment. 

  • Having more conversations on inclusiveness in elementary, middle, and high schools. This results in a greater awareness of implicit racial and cultural biases, and promotes improved understanding of diverse perspectives. 

  • Increasing educator training and professional development on anti-racism and discrimination.

Inclusive Curriculum


  • Altering the curriculum to ensure students have access to an education that promotes values of racial equality and equitable opportunities, throughout their elementary, middle, and high school years.

  • Increasing representation and education of LGBTQ+ communities within the health curriculum.  

  • Revising the health curriculum to include respect for the planet, education on sustainable food choices, and awareness of eating disorders.

  • Reforming curriculum in elementary, middle, and high schools to ensure all cultures and religions are properly represented.

  • Preventing anti-semitism through the sensitive treatment of historical events in curriculums.

  • Addressing gaps in the curriculum that will help with vocational training outcomes.

  • Increasing the amount of autonomy students have over their course load and increasing the available options they have access to.

  • Ensuring the health curriculum regarding female bodily autonomy and menstrual health is comprehensive.

Gender Equality


*Created in Collaboration with B-CC Girl Up*

  • Holding conversations on identity to ensure students have a space to express their sentiments and discover their true selves, outside of socially construed ideas.

  • Promoting a Girl’s Rising in Technology Clubs at all Montgomery County Schools. Ensure that women are encouraged to enter into the STEM field early on.

  • Encouraging the creation of Girl Up club chapters in all MCPS elementary, middle, and high schools to educate students on global gender disparities.

  • Facilitating a space for women in STEM to speak to students of all ages across the county about their career paths. Representation is important in ensuring students have the inspiration necessary to aid in achieving their goals.

  • Implementing informative student trainings on the topics of sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination.

  • Taking on a proactive approach to preventing incidents of sexual harassment through the implementation of the Coaching Boys to Men Program.

  • Closing the gender gap in sports by ensuring equitable allocation of funding in athletics regardless across the genders and encouraging diverse participation in athletics.

  • Promoting predominantly female athletic teams to the wider school community in order to work towards a more equal turnout at games.

Preventing Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


*Created in Collaboration with MoCo Pride*

  • Protecting student gender confidentiality against any present or future lawsuit that is or would threaten this right.

  • Ensuring all Montgomery High Schools have access to the LBGTQ+ Studies pilot course.

  • Altering the current curriculum to ensure the representation of the LGBTQ+ Community in education from a young age, especially in history and health classes.

  • Distributing resources on the rights students have to change their pronouns without parental permission on their student ID cards.

  • Collaborating with MoCo Pride to amplify their messaging throughout elementary, middle, and high schools and connect all GSA across the county.

  • Increasing LQBTQ+ awareness Professional Development training for all MCPS educators.

  • Creating gender neutral bathrooms in all MCPS schools.

  • Making a gender neutral, private changing space available as locker rooms to all students and ensuring students can use the locker rooms which match their preferred gender identities.

  • Encouraging the distribution of educational resources involving the correct terminology and history of the LGBTQ+ community across all Montgomery County Public Schools.

  • Holding seminars and trainings to give community members the necessary tools to increase ally-ship and to teach students and adults alike to stand up against homophobia in the school community.

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