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Prioritizing Student Wellbeing

Throughout the past year, we have continued to function through adversity. This includes Covid-19 and the polarizing environment in which we have had to operate. With the approval of vaccines in 2021, we all must work together to ensure an equitable and gradual transition to a new normal. In parallel, we must also implement measures to promote good mental health in our school community. This will require coordination, training, and empathy towards one another. I hope that with your collaboration, we can undertake this task together.

Ensuring Student Wellbeing:

Covid-19 and Public Health

  • Evaluating continued online learning options and readiness for a safe transition to in-person classes. 

  • Ensuring specific training needs for counselors, administrators and educators are met. 

  • Providing students with a space to express their desires and emotions regarding virtual school and potential reopening. 

  • Prioritizing return for students with disabilities and students with mental health issues who have a greater need for an in-person learning environment.

  • Expanding upon the BeReady peer-to-peer tutoring program between high school, middle school, and elementary school students to ensure everyone is receiving academic support during the transition.

Mental Health

  • Relieving mental stress through increased access to therapy and counseling at school.

  • Ensuring snow days remain days off regardless of the virtual format. 

  • Increasing the use of therapy dogs in schools.

  • Implementing mental health days each semester to proactively foster student wellbeing. This allows students to have the time necessary for self-care and restoration.

  • Promoting homework free weekends each month, and keeping weekends free of virtual quizzes and tests.

  • Enhancing the quality of mindfulness sessions as a means for social connectivity.

  • Creating more spirit weeks in both virtual and in-person learning in middle and high schools across the county to promote connection and enjoyment in our learning environment.

  • Facilitating seminars led by high school students for 8th graders to help them prepare for the coming years.

  • Expanding upon the role of counselors and the number of counselors available per student.

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