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Redefining the Culture of Education

Let our school environment reflect the freedoms, open communication, fact-based learning, and equitable treatment for all that are the founding principles of our Republic. Let the voices of inclusiveness ring through our halls, and let the classrooms reflect a kinder and gentler America that produces citizens and leaders in the best democratic traditions.  

  • Redesigning SMOB Communication

    • Making student voices more effective through the restructuring of the SMOB Cabinet and Coalition to foster more conversations and communication flow throughout the student body.

    • Implementing regular email and social media updates on meetings, decisions, and other topics pertinent to the student community..

    • Increasing leadership opportunities for all students to be invested and included in the Board’s processes. Ensure these opportunities are made available to both high school and middle school students from across the county.

  • Educator-Student Relationships

    • Facilitating greater accommodation in grace and understanding, especially during this time of uncertainty.

    • Encouraging educators to utilize office-hours as a time to connect and converse with their students, especially in a remote-learning format.

    • Creating student-led town hall discussions within middle and high schools to encourage cross-communication and collaboration between all community members on topics of importance such as equity, discrimination, identity, and more.

    • Building a closer-knit student-teacher community through reducing communication barriers by experimenting with less hierarchical ways to address each other.

  • Building a Gentler School Environment

    • Working towards the replacement of SROs in Montgomery County Schools with social workers and individuals having specialized training in behavioral change and addressing trauma and mental health issues.

    • The presence of SROs disproportionately affects students with disabilities and students of color, resulting in a negative impact in the Montgomery County School environment.

    • Implementing No Place for Hate initiatives in all MCPS schools to proactively prevent instances of anti-semitism, racism, hate and all other forms of discrimination.

    • Removing dress codes that unfairly target certain students from all Montgomery County Schools. 

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